
Photo by Ben Kolde / Unsplash

You know I was thinking. Websites are pretty cool. They can do stuff for you, and thats neat.

Man I’m bored at work now. It has been so busy around here lately I forgot what its like to slack off for extended periods of time. But in these extended periods of time, I’ve been finding some really cool websites out there. The Web 2.0 revolution is definately producing some really cool websites. The idea of having everything you do on your desktop stored somewhere online, so you can access it from anywhere is pretty cool. Some, are nichey(Can I say nichey? Too bad, I just did) and won’t be very mainstream, while I can see some being extreamly useful. I’ll post a little somethin here about em, while I still have a little time before going home.

First up, we should start with It is a website where you can store your bookmarks online. You can access them from any pc, even send and receive bookmarks from other people. Definately handy, I know I go out somewhere, know of a great site someone could use, but just can’t remember the link, no more problem with that provided they have an internet connection, just have to remember There is also a handy firefox extension that lets you add pages with just one push of a button.

The next one worth mentioning is digg. If you are a tech geek like me, this one is pretty cool. Its a tech news site, where all the articles are posted by users, and if enough users “digg” it(HAHA clever) it gets bumped to the front page.

A useful one for most of you average joes might be meebo. A webpage where you can use all your favorite IM programs through the webpage. The page acts like a desktop, so you can move stuff around, resize it, all that good stuff. A buddy at work pointed out, why not just use trillian? Trillian is great and all, but what if you are at another pc where the clients aren’t installed. Just use this webpage, quicker than downloading it.

I think thats all for now. I forgot I should fill out my timesheet, goosey gots to gets paids!

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