Traded My Server for TP

Traded My Server for TP
Photo by Claire Mueller / Unsplash

Just kidding. But not really. I didn’t actually trade my server for TP. I saw the poo tide rising and beat the crowd in stocking up at the start of the pandemic. You could say I keep a clean poop deck.

Did you really come back to this website for a post full of poop jokes? You did, just learn to go with it. What actually happened was our basement flooded. Like all over your face a lot of flooding. I had to take everything out while we dried it out including those boxes full of electronics that make the beeps and the boops and the webbernetters for pictures of kittens and two girls with one cup. I just didn’t make a big priority of bringing the website back online. I wasn’t posting very frequently and I had more important things to focus on. It was a pandemic after all.

The world was changing. Earth was growing in new and confusing ways. It started noticing the moon and got a piercing. No one understood what Earth was going through so we had to wear masks and collect TP like it was as valuable as that stupid NTF monkey you bought.

So I’ve brought funkyhouse back online. Because I love fucking around with computers. This website has been around for more than half of my life. I pulled over 300 backlogged posts back online going back to 2005. I’ll do my best to keep updating it but there is a five year old goose running around these days to take care of.

One last thing…

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