To Do List

To Do List
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash
  • Upgrade the blog.
    • This is done. The header is a little borked. But I’m gonna deal with that later. I don’t feel like opening photoshop.
    • Fix the header.
  • Find video drivers for laptop.
    • I’ve found drivers that will work. However I have to find the version that works with my video card. I know its somewhere between 2.5.14 and 3.8.291. That is alot of fucking version to go through.
  • Fix Xochipilli.
    • By the end of writing this post, I’ve forgotten whats wrong with it. So I’m now gonna have to remember.
    • Aparently I’m losing my mind. There is nothing wrong with it. Hooray!
  • Put together pII.
  • Figure out what I’m doing with pII.
  • Get webserver out on the intertubes.
  • Backup Desktop’s bucket, and reinstall OS.
  • Watch pr0n.
  • East sammich.
  • Create my music server.

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