
Photo by Tim Wilson / Unsplash

Doing a little ready read today. Came across a couple of interesting articles. Slightly scary articles honestly.

Trouble on the line

So they’re blocking voip, not terribly surprising. The article didn’t mention which US ISP’s are blocking VoIP connections, but I have a decent idea. I’m sure you can guess too. But other than ISPs that are also phone companies who don’t want to lose your phone service, this is also a trend that is going on through the majority of ISPs. The big one is P2P file transfers are being blocked or throttled down. The reason being P2P networks use up a tremendous amount of bandwith. This makes some unhappy customers when they figure out whats going on. I imagine the same thing is gonna be happening with VoIP.

EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA

Wow. Just wow. Now I’m sure this is an article squirrel is gonna enjoy. And I’m no super lawyer like him. I’m not even a regular lawyer. My knowledge of the law is pretty limited. But I don’t think they would be able to get this far in the legal process without having the hard truth. So I ask, what the fuck?

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