Save Screetch!

Save Screetch!
Photo by Adrien Robert / Unsplash

So Screetch is trying to raise $15,000 so they don’t forclose on his house by selling tshirts at the website for $15 bucks. Now I would like to point out that, this is pretty damn funny. It’s Screetch. This is really damn funny.

However, as funny as the situation might be, it is sad, and I do feel bad for Dustin Diamond. His stand up is actually quite good, for all you haters out there that haven’t seen him do stand up. So go and buy a shirt and help the guy out. And don’t give me no bullshit either. You watched Saved by the Bell. He influenced your life, so suck it up and shell out the $15. I will as soon as I get my paycheck this Friday.

For a news article from CBS go here.

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