October 3rd Declared 'Day Against DRM'

October 3rd Declared 'Day Against DRM'
Photo by Stefano Pollio / Unsplash

Found a post over at Defective by Design. They are looking for ideas to protest DRM I suppose, I’m not sure, I just read it, but you can’t expect me to recall what I just read. But yeah these ideas are gonna be for the Day Against DRM, October 3. They are even giving out prizes, and prizes make me all tingly on the inside.

Also here is a great quote on the post:

“If consumers even know there’s a DRM, what is is, and how it works, we’ve already failed” – Disney Executive

Why are we enemies Disney? Why do you hate gooseneck so much? I have your stuffed animals. I went to your theme park, many times. I rode Space Mountain 100 times when I was five years old for fuck sake. Stop the mean, itchy DRM.

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