Mo Money Mo Problems

Mo Money Mo Problems
Photo by micheile henderson / Unsplash

So I woke up today, and did a little reading online of what people think is important. I saw a bunch of blogs of people bitching about how congress didn’t up minimum wage but they’re gonna give themselves a raise. They were posting this as if this was shocking to them, or should be shocking to me. It isn’t, why in the hell would it be? Shit, they even act as if this is news. This isn’t news, they’ve been doing this shit forever. Why? Cause we let them. Or perhaps more accurately, people simply didn’t know we were letting them. Does that mean the media is doing a good job these days? I doubt it. If you don’t get pissed off at this idea, then you should probably check for a fucking pulse.

Anyways, at least the good ole Demmies are trying. The idea to stop themselves from getting a raise is a good one, and will definitely sit positively with us normies. Seems like with most of their ideas these days, the Dems are having a hard time implementing them. I’ll hold my breath on this one though. But anyways, the best article I found is the one I’ll leave you with. It is from Senator Russ Feingold that you can check out here.

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