It's Cold

It's Cold
Photo by Hans Isaacson / Unsplash

So I live in Michigan. Not sure why, maybe cause jesus hates me. Anyways, if you don’t live in Michigan you might not be aware of the fact that its cold here. Hehefgh! I know. It’s all north of shit, but why the hell is it cold? Remember our buddy jesus.

Anyways I’m getting tired of weather small talk. “Cold outside huh?” No fucking shit. Grow some fat like us fat kids and stop complaining stating the obvious. You live here, if you don’t like it move.

People that are almost as bad are people that have never been to Michigan. “Where you from? Oh Michigan! What’s the weather like there?” Grey and depressing, now leave me the fuck alone. I don’t care what your weather is like. Is it Michigan weather? Than it isn’t as depressing. Therefor hearing about it only depresses me more. I have a stapler, don’t tempt me, because I will try and break my skin with it. Besides, its almost my birthday, can’t you let me enjoy it in a drunken stupor? If you do I’ll promise to drink until I can’t feel feelings.

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