I Don't Know

I Don't Know
Photo by Daniel Mingook Kim / Unsplash

So after some shitty shitty weeks at work I think it might be finally over. It has been so absolutely fucking busy at work I can’t stand it anymore. Today started off nice and normal, like things had finally slowed back down, but then of course we have outages ranging over multiple area codes. For fuck sake! The phone companies can bite my ass.

And then of course my glasses broke yesterday. So I wore my older pair today, all day. I know have a massive headache from squinting in the old perscriptions all day. First item on my list tomorrow is to go to the eye glasses shop tomorrow.

Although near the end of my night I had a great phone call.

ME: Thanks for calling tech support my name is goose, can I have your fell email address please?
SALLY: [email protected]
ME: And whom am I speaking with?
SALLY: Sally
ME: How can I help you Sally?
SALLY: I don’t know….click

Of course it was good to see her admit she has a problem. Step two will involve her seeking help.

Of course my last call, which made me fifteen minutes late, was the worse kind of phone call, and the type of phone call I get almost every night as my last phone call. The type of call where the guy knows what the problem is and can properly communicate the problem to you. The type of person that has actually taken logical steps to troubleshoot and resolve the problem, including everything that my coworkers and myself can think of doing to troubleshoot the problem. Which of course, non of is able to solve. Then to the necisarry scan for viruses and spyware and get back to us. Of course he has also done this as well. Fuck! Whats that? It found some spyware but couldn’t remove it? Ha ha! My ticket out of the problem. Boot into safe mode, and run another scan to remove them. Call back. Hooray I’m free!

Texas won the foosball game tonight, good for them. I didn’t really want either team to win, they both seems to act like cocky wankchilds all season. But the USC player the interviewed at the end saying he still thinks usc is the better team makes me glad Texas won. Also the Texas coach thanking USC was class all the way. Defense wins championships. Since neither team tried that tonight, class is the second best way to win championships. Asshattery does not win championships, do not collect $200, do not pass go.

My life has come to a complete standstill. I found a dos emulator that plays XCOM on windows XP. If you ever played XCOM, you know exactly what I mean. If you haven’t played it grab a copy and throw your life away.

Check this link out, its an mp3 of what holophonic sound is like through your stereo speakers. Pretty fucking cool to hear things not only to the left and right, but above and below as well!


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