Good Times

Good Times
Photo by DJ Johnson / Unsplash

So this weekend I took a little trip on Saturday down to the Cleveland of Ohio for Phi Mu Alpha‘s national convention. Well to be honest, mostly to hang out with my Squirrel, and also to see some of my Brothers whom I have not seen in quite some time. It was a fantasticly good time! To the Brothers that didn’t go to convention, poo on you! You have no clue what an awesome experience you have missed by not going. Hopefully you will come to your senses three years from now and go.

Anyways that is it for me, haven’t had a whole lot of time to go surfing on the web to find random shit to post. I’ve been busy packing to get ready for my move to my new place. I know I haven’t had any of my world famous angry goose rants lately, but I promise one is cooking. Once I get some more time I’ll sit down and lay the wrath o goose on you.

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