Good Times

Good Times
Photo by S O C I A L . C U T / Unsplash

It was goose and squirrel time from wednesday through saturday. And it was good. Spending time with squirrel is always what I need. I would definately have to say he has kept me level for the past seven years. And that is probably a good thing. We drank a whole lot, and then drank some more. And the Lindsey came up Friday night, and we drank some more, and it was fantastic! But I forgot to give her present to her. A little sad. But I’m sure I will be able to give it to her at some point.

Tonight, was a fraternity event, and it was good. I had to be up at six this morning for work, so I was a little tired during it. Definately looked like the sour old man I am. And I tried to keep my mouth shut and let the kids do their thing. That is exactly what they need to do, and they did it well, and I hope the new guys learned what they should have tonight, and the brothers were able to relearn it. I see great potential starting out from them, and definately look forward to seeing it bloom.

In other news, it appears that people feel they can play the sympathy card with me. Point of information: I am an asshole, and have no soul. Playing your sympathy cards are pointless. They will always be vitoed by my asshole card. Sympathy is not something you deserve for being in a shitty situation. Sympathy is something you earn for rising above the shitty situations.

I have to work again in the morning. Kicking my ass I tell you, kicking my ass, but at least it allows me to sign my lease for next year tomorrow night. And that will lift a nice large peice of stress off the old shoulders.

Since this is a blog, I think I’m suppose to share my thoughts and my feelings. So here they are.
My Thought: I think I need a knee brace.
My Feelings: This will make my knee feel better when I DDR it up with Friday.

Rot in hell bitches!

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